Tittering - Cartoons and Funny Stuff

This is a fun site with original cartoons, pictures, observations, humor, and some other funny stuff.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I hate to be redundant....

I hate to be redundant but I hate being redundant.

Did I mention I hate to be redundant?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Why does love have to hurt so much?

Why does love have to hurt so much?

Click on the cartoons to see the full size versions.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Small things need love too

Small things need love too.

Ain't that the truth.

The more time I sleep...

The way I look at it, the more time I sleep the less time I have to deal with my crappy life.

Cash and Debt

If I had as much money in cash as I do in debt, I'd be damn near rich!

Welcome to Tittering!

Hello and welcome to Tittering. This is a fun site with original cartoons, observations, humour, and some other funny stuff. I hope there's something here that will at least make you titter.